
Monday 31 August 2015

Let's learn to make roads!

We are learning to develop understanding of the text that we read.
I know I can do this when I use movenote to record a summary for Making a road.

Do you know where the symbols of the Holy Spirit comes from?

We are learning to understand the Holy Spirit's symbols from the scriptures stories.
I know I can do this when I read and match the symbols of the Holy Spirit to the scripture stories.

Sunday 30 August 2015

Now, money grows on trees!

On a dark Saturday evening, my family, friends and I went to my friend, Tristan’s birthday held at my other friend Ace’s house because Tristan’s house is too small for a party.

Image result for Money tree gameWhen we got there, we said, “Happy Birthday” to Tristan. There was not many things for us to do but to play on our ipads, phones and tablets so I asked my sister for her phone. I played a game called money tree. The main goal is to tap the tree on the screen  so that the money will fall.

Before long, I got bored of the game so I watched some youtube videos. I watched Dance Central three game play so I could get used to the dances. I watched about 20 different dances.

After a few minutes, it was time to eat. I ate some chicken, spaghetti and rice. I was full after eating. It was very delicious.

Soon, after I finished eating, Tristan and I decided to watch what was on television. We watched karate kid. It is about a kid who tries to win a karate tournament.

When the movie finished, we had to go. We walked home because our house is close by. Next time we go to a party I hope there are more games because it was slightly boring. Maybe we could play some outdoor activity next time if someone has a ball.

We are learning to understand and use language features in my recount.
I know this when I use appropriate time words to sequence the events in my recount.

Saturday 29 August 2015

The Holy Spirit has a lot of signs!

We are learning to understand the finger of God as a symbol of the Holy Spirit.
I know I can do this when I describe how the Holy Spirit worked through the finger of God to guide Moses.

Thursday 27 August 2015

Let's run!

We are learning running techniques.
I know I can do this when I write down 4 techniques for running and list what to do for a sprint start.

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Do you know how to do your chores?

We are learning to develop critical thinking skills through the process of the procedural structure.
I know I can do this when I write down the instructions for vacuuming the house and washing the dishes.

Sunday 23 August 2015

I spy with my little eye something begining with G!

 WALT develop creative thinking skills using De Bono's green thinking hat.
I know I can do this when I write a sequel to the story I Spy.

Saturday 22 August 2015

Ow! My tooth hurts!

One a sunny Monday morning, my mum and I went to the Dentist in Pt.England for my tooth extraction.

Before we went, I had some breakfast. I had some scrumptious spaghetti. After that I got changed and my mum and I went to the Panmure shops to catch the bus.

Image result for toothSoon, we hopped off at the closest bus stop and we went to the Pt.England Dentist, which is just next to Pt.England School. we waited nearly a whole hour before the dentist called us in. I was a bit scared.

First, the dentist numbed my tooth with anesthetic so my tooth wouldn’t hurt when it gets removed. It took a while before my mouth was numb. Then it was extraction time, the dentist got out a tool and wriggled the tooth out. It hurt just a bit.

After the dentist appointment, the dentist gave us the tooth in a tissue because the tooth was bleeding. We went home in the bus. Whenever I eat now, the place where the tooth used to be feels a bit weird because I use that tooth mostly for biting my food and now it's not there.

We are learning to understand and use language features in my recount.
I know this when I use appropriate time words to sequence the events in my recount. 

Friday 21 August 2015

Grow oak tree! Grow!

WALT develop creativity skills through poetry.
I know I can do this when I write a poem about a tree using 5 Te Reo Maori words.

Wednesday 19 August 2015

My favourite graph is a bar graph, how about you?

WALT understand bar graphs.
I know I can do this when I write 4 sentences to describe bar graphs.

Holy Spirit, help us spread the good news!

WALT understand the Holy Spirit as a dove.
I know I can do this when I describe how the Holy Spirit presented himself to John and Jesus in Matthew 3:13-17.

Tuesday 18 August 2015

Holy Spirit, guide us like you guided Noah!

WALT understand the Holy Spirit as a dove.
I know I can do this when I describe how the Holy Spirit guided Noah in Genesis 8:8-12.

Monday 17 August 2015

We pray to the Lord!

Eternal God,
Thank you for this day that you have given us. Thank you for my family and friends.
Please look after the poor, sick, homeless and orphans, may you look after them and keep them safe.
Please look after my family and I, may you guide and protect us.
WALT to write a personal prayer following the prayer structure.
I know this when I use the structure of a personal prayer starting with a title for God, followed by what we are thankful for and then praying for others and ourselves.

Saturday 15 August 2015

Attack, cats!

On a cold Saturday Evening, my friends, family and I went to my friend’s house because it was his birthday.
Image result for Battle Cats Logo
When we got there, I went upstairs and played with my friends. We played on tone of my friend’s ipad. We played a game called Battle Cats, It was a really fun game. The game was about the cats (you) are trying to take over the world. We beat a lot of countries and the hardest country we beat was Japan because their boss was really strong.

Soon we had to eat. There was lots of different, tasty food to choose from. I ate a few nuggets and some rice. I was full after eating that.

Later my friends and I played hide n seek in the dark. The room was so dark, I couldn’t see a thing! My hiding spot I mostly hid in was the corner of the room because I wasn’t found when I hid there.

After a few rounds of hiding, We went downstairs to watch my friend open the presents. The funniest present he got was from his brothers because they gave him some crackers! It was funny but he still ate it. He got cool presents like Teenage mutant ninja turtle toys, they were small and plastic. He also got big, plastic super hero toys, some could move and some could talk!

Next we had to go home. Before we went home, my brother and I got a few blue balloon because blue is one of our favourite colours. When it’s my birthday, I want to receive cool presents like what he got.

We are learning to understand and use descriptive language.
I know I can do this when I use appropriate adjectives like cool and small in my writing.

Thursday 13 August 2015

How many food can you name in Te Reo Maori?

He Reo Tupu He Reo Ora
Walht understand and use familiar food vocabulary.
Image result for Salt
Image result for toast
Image result for cheeseTihi
Image result for melons
Image result for porridge
Image result for water
Image result for pumpkin
Image result for cabbage
Image result for carrot

Wednesday 12 August 2015

Do you know the importance of the oil in some of the sacraments?

We are learning to understand the importance of the oil in the sacraments.
I know I can do this when I explain the importance of the oil in Baptism, Confirmation and anointing of the sick.

Sunday 9 August 2015

Let's find out more about climate change!

We are learning to understand climate change.
I know I can do this when I answer questions from my previous climate change Inquiry and ask more questions about the facts that I have found out.

Saturday 8 August 2015

Don’t like chores, then buy this!

We are learning to understand the features of a headline and a slogan.
I know I can do this when I write a headline and slogan that grabs people's attention.

Thursday 6 August 2015

This cross is heavy, but I'm not giving up!

We are learning to understand today's reading.
I know this when I write two emotions about carrying the cross to heaven.

Wednesday 5 August 2015

I love eating spam!!!

On an early Sunday morning, I went to my basketball training. I went with my family and teammates.

We did a quick warm up, then we did some drills like egg beater and four corners. Egg beater is a shooting drill with two balls. Four corners is a passing drill with one to four balls and the more balls, the harder it gets. Soon we did a five on five game. We did not count the scores but we had fun.

Later some of my teammates and I  went to my teammates house which was at West Auckland. We went to my teammate’s room and played his PS4. The first game we played was minecraft. We played the tutorial , went on creative mode and found all the secrets. We found all the 12 music discs, found stampy’s house and found Mojang’s Castle. I already found all the secrets but one music disc. Then we made a rapid fire arrow shooter. We filled it with flame charges, but the flame charges burned the sand temple.

Image result for Cooked SpamEventually we had lunch. We ate one of my favourite foods which is spam and rice. It was really tasty and delicious! Also, I drank a cup of water afterwards.

Not before long, we went back to the room and played PS4 . We watched Five Nights at Freddy 4 gameplay and theories on youtube. The my friend played NBA2k15. The match was Golden State Warriors vs Spurs.

Meanwhile my other friend and I played Minecraft Pocket Edition on our phone and tablet. We cut some trees down and made a house. Suddenly, I got lost! I couldn’t find the house until I saw my friend’s name tag so I ran towards it and helped build the house.

Time flew by and we had to go. It was fun going to my friend’s house. I wish we had more time so we could finish building the house together.

We are learning to use language features in my recount.
I know I can do this when I use different sentence starters to make my writing more interesting.