
Monday, 9 June 2014

How To Make a Blog Post

WALT write the instructions for creating a Blog Post we need to make sure that we add all the instructions in order.

How To Make A Magnificent Blog Post

  1. Computer
  2. Mouse
  3. Chrome
  4. Blog Account
  5. Story

  1. First go to chrome on your computer.
  2. Next go to blogger dash board and sign into your blog account.
  3. When you have done that press the pencil button.
  4. After that, Add a title to your post.
  5. Then you ctrl+c your story then ctrl+v it on your post.
  6. After you have done that you put your labels.
  7. Now you view blog and check your work.
  8. Next you have to check with the Teacher.
  9. Finally if your work is good you can publish your work.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Dhonde! I like the way that you have explained how to make a blog post by describing it in detail. Next time, you could use bullet points instead of using a number list in your materials.


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